The fastest way to open applications and files

ahDeck is a desktop application / interface that can open many applications and files more easily and quickly.

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ahDeck Original

Our Amazing Features

Take a look at our amazing features that may interest you.

With a total size of just under 32MB.
Clean Sight
No longer need to put all the applications and files you regularly use on your desktop or taskbar.
Lifetime Support
One-time purchase, so you can keep your ahDeck app updated.


Pick the type that works best for you.




2 visible buttons
✔ Open most file types
✔ Customizable
✔ Folder system
✔ Lightweight

ahDeck Lite cover


$ $
One-time purchase


12 visible buttons
✔ Open most file types
✔ Customizable
✔ Folder system
✔ Lightweight
✔ Lifetime support

ahDeck Original cover


$ $
One-time purchase


20 visible buttons
✔ Open most file types
✔ Customizable
✔ Folder system
✔ Lightweight
✔ Lifetime support

ahDeck Deluxe cover
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Just listen to what our satisfied customer have to say about it!


"Good 😃👍"

Ahmad Hayyan

Frequently Asked Questions

Any question? We may have prepared the answer for you.

What is ahDeck? ahDeck is an interface that can open many applications and files more easily and quickly. ahDeck can also make your desktop and taskbar look cleaner.
How to use? Simply press ALT + Right Click anywhere on your screen and the ahDeck interface will appear around your cursor.
Supported OS? Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 (32/64-Bit).
How to add application/file in ahDeck? Open the ahDeck interface then press on one of the black squares (= unsigned buttons) and then search and select the application or file you want to add/assign.
How to remove application/file in ahDeck? Open the ahDeck interface then press the settings icon in the top right corner and then press the application you want to remove then select reset.
How to disabled ahDeck? Right-click on the ahDeck icon in the system tray (bottom right corner on Windows) and then click "Enabled", if ahDeck is enabled then there is an ahDeck icon next to the "Enabled" option. When your PC restarts, ahDeck will be set to enabled automatically.
How to use the same serial number on different device? First, you need to unregister ahDeck from the device that you don't use anymore by right-clicking the ahDeck icon in the system tray (bottom right corner on Windows) and then pressing the "Unregister" option, after which you can use your old serial number for your new device.

Have another question? [email protected]

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